
7 Invaluable Tips For A Successful Network Marketing Email Blast

I received a call today from someone in one of our Southern states asking for some marketing advice. Specifically he wanted to know about participating in a blast email program. He said he wanted to join a service that would email 5,000 opportunity seekers once a month. My first question to him was whether or not the email list was his or one that the emailing company was providing to him. He said that it was part of their service to provide him with the email addresses. I wanted to know if he had access to the email list or do they claim that it was proprietary information and only they would have access to it. He told me that only they would have access to it. My final question to him dealt with how the list was compiled. He did not know.Here are the problems with participating in such a program. If he was using an email list that did not belong to him, how much did he actually know about the list…how long ago was it gathered or, for that matter, how was it gathered? Was it gathered from some capture page that the person was hood-winked into giving their first name and email address? These are common…perhaps you have filled one of these forms out and then you were inundated with email offers from people/companies you did not even know. If you want to operate a successful email blast campaign, here are 7 tips for you:1.Build your own list of opportunity seekers, this is GOLD. Be sure that these are not netWISHERS but are actually networkers. (My link at the bottom of the page will get you to an excellent source to build your email list of network marketing / MLMers already in the network marketing business.) It will take time to build your own list BUT once you do you will be an email blasting domino. And since you have a relationship with those on your list, you will not be considered a spammer.2.Set up YOUR OWN email account with an email service you can trust. (Any questions as to which ones I found to be secure and reliable, contact me.) Do not let anyone else have access to your email addresses. Remember there is GOLD in that list…you just do not know Sports Watches which ones will be your superstars, if any. 3.You have to be sure your email gets into your recipients Inbox rather than their Spam folder. Do not use words like opportunity, instead use op.portunity or if you reference income, use in.come. This work-around is helpful to prevent your email being banished as spam.4.Subject line wisdom. In order to get your email opened write a dynamic subject line which grabs their attention within a second or two. If you are trying to sell travel, please do not send me an email with something like Travel Bargains or Travel Update in the subject line. However you would get my curiosity going if you were to say "Got Soaked Again?" and then promote cruises in your email. I recently used Stop Your Belly Aching and had a tremendous open rate…oh, and I did receive one email condemning me for using profanity. 5.Do not let them down. Motorcycle Helmet Once they open your email with your creative subject line, keep the creativity going. The death to your email will be if you try to be all business-as-usual-like. Come on, you got them in, now tell them about your offer in a light and lively fashion…do not rattle off a laundry list of items why you and your business are the best thing since sliced bread…talk to them in an entertaining fashion as though your email recipient was sitting right in front of you.6.Use plain type like Times Roman. Do not use some fancy type because you like the way it looks. It will turn some people off…me included. And, NEVER USE HTML or a prepared emailer. This just reeks of "I'm trying to sell you something. I'm trying to sell you something." Plain type, you are talking to a friend. A "canned" emailer, you are talking to me as a customer...and I am not buying anything.7.SPARINGLY use links to where you want your reader to go. For a shorter email, use one link. For a medium length email, use two links. For a lengthy email, use three or four links. Always have the links for a single product or URL destination. Do not try to included multiple links for different products or destinations as this will only confuse your readers. And, always express your links as the full address including the http…YourSite.com. I hope this helps you to build your business with successful email blasts.

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